Getting Rusted – Part-1

Ha Haa don’t get confused what I’m going to talk about 😀 . In this post I’m going to show you how to get your hands dirty with “Rust Language” 😀 .

Rust is a system programming language focused on safe concurrency. Rust is  originally designed in Mozilla Labs by Graydon Hoare . You already know about popular ” Servo Rendering Engine project” created at “Mozilla Labs ” that is capable of parallel tab processing . Inspired by that parallel processing mechanism modern ” Mozilla Firefox Quantum Browser Project ” was created that is faster than old “Gecko Rendering Engine” 🙂 based Mozilla Firefox Browser.

That is enough about that 🙂 . So let’s get to know how to setup your personal computer for  “Rust Language” . Here I’ll show you configure it on your ubuntu linux machine. The Ubuntu version that I have used here is “18.04 LTS”. and the rust version is 1.45.0 . You’ll need curl as prerequisite for the installation . If there is no curl you can install it via curl as below.

sudo apt install curl 

Then to install rust issue the following commands

curl -sSf | sh

According to official documentation  following command also work like a charm

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

After issuing the one of two above commands the following screen will be appeared

Screenshot at 2020-07-17 22-10-27

Here we have three options 1,2, and 3 .

1) Proceed with installation (default)

2) Customize installation

3) Cancel installation

It is better to choose 1st option to continue to the default installation  ( This will install the basic development tools 🙂 ) . I’ll describe about the 2nd option in the next post 🙂 .

After the there are two directories created in the “/home/user/” directory named “~/.rustup” and “~/.cargo” .

Here the rust language versioning and tool updates managed by rustup tool and above first directory for that purpose . The all Dev-tools are installed in the  “~/.cargo/bin”  directory.

After the installation issue the following command(s) in the terminal

rustup --version 
rustup 1.22.1 (b01adbbc3 2020-07-08) 
rustc --version 
rustc 1.45.0 (5c1f21c3b 2020-07-13)
cargo --version
cargo 1.45.0 (744bd1fbb 2020-06-15)

Here rustup is the version management tool that manages the rust versions (ex :- nightly builds,stable version etc).

Here cargo is the package manager for rust and crate host .

Ok that is the basic development installation for rust 🙂 .

Bus that is not enough 😦 . We have to define “RUSTUP_HOME” and “CARGO_HOME” environmental variables . For that issue the following command in the terminal

sudo vim ~/.bashrc

Then add the lines as below ( this step must be do carefully )

export RUSTUP_HOME=/home/user/.rustup
export CARGO_HOME=/home/user/.cargo
export PATH=$PATH:$CARGO_HOME/bin 

After that  issue the following command(s) to make the changes permanent !

source ~/.bashrc

source ~/.profile 

Then issue the following command(s)  to ensure that all the settings are Ok 🙂 .



This is the basic steps of installation and  configuration of the rust language .

Have a nice day and leave a comment if you face an issue while installation of rust  language :- ) .


Getting Rusted – Part-1